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Frequently Asked Questions
Q: My business has a cash flow crisis, so I can't really afford to join.
A: All businesses suffer cash flow problems at times, no matter what their turnover. We can offer free advice to help you overcome your present difficulties whatever they are. The networking events will give you the opportunity to make contact with other businesses who may have been through similar difficulties and have some words of wisdom to offer. Networking will also raise your profile in the Borough and could lead to more work coming your way from other chamber members and their referrals.
Q: I already belong to a couple of other chambers in the South East - why should I join another?
A: If your business is based in Havering, then membership of HCCI is a must. Membership will increase your profile in the borough and help you too make good new contacts in the area. Many businesses belong to more than one Chamber of Commerce so you may have the opportunity to reinforce existing contacts. The more you put into a Chamber, the more you will get out of it.
Q: I run a small business that ticks over nicely. I do not really need more business my way, so I can't see the point in joining.
A: Although membership to a chamber is the first step to expanding your business and turnover, all companies need to be doing something to maintain the client base they have. Today's loyal customers may be someone else's clients tomorrow because the other companies have their finger on the pulse of the business community in Havering. Your company will receive recognition and you and your staff will have the opportunity to meet like-minded business people in your area.
Q: I have more work than I can deal with already, so I do not have the time to put anything into the Chamber and do not need any referrals.
A: Congratulations on being part of a successful business! If you would like to make your workload more manageable without losing business, membership of HCCI could help you. We offer all members free advice, which may help you find more productive and lucrative ways to keep your already successful business working more efficiently. Plus you stay up to date with what is happening in the business community and if you can spare an hour to network, you might meet people you can subcontract or make referrals for work you cannot undertake.
Q: My business is very specialised; I can't see how membership would benefit the business or me.
A: Okay, there may not be much call for your goods and services within the membership but that does not mean there are no benefits! Firstly, you may come into contact with people who can help you, be they suppliers, consultants or professional bodies that you have not considered. Secondly, if your line of business is specialised, you may be the only one in the area and our members will remember you and pass on your details should they hear of an opportunity. Membership will immediately raise your profile within the business community in Havering.
Q: What sort of member-to-member benefits are there which might help my business?
A: The benefits on offer at any given time vary according to what other members are able to offer. You may get discounts at retail outlets or on products and services, free consultations with professional organisations or advertising and sponsorship opportunities that may not have come your way otherwise.