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Local MPs
HCCI has immediate access to all our local MPs.If you have an issue or matter you would like brought to the attention of, or addressed by one of the MPs, contact the Chamber offices and we will help you to contact them.
Andrew Rosindell Conservative MP for Romford
Andrew joined the Conservative Party in 1981 and has held a number of posts including Chairman, National Young Conservatives (1993-94) and Chairman, European Young Conservatives (1993-97). He is currently Chairman of Romford Conservative Association and International Young Democrat Union.
Andrew Rosindell is truly "local" to Romford. Having lived here all his life, he really does care about the town. He was born in Romford and went to local schools, Rise Park and Marshalls Park. Andrew has also served as a councillor in Romford for eleven years, representing Chase Cross & Havering-atte-Bower. He is a member of the St Edward the Confessor Church in Romford Market Place .
Since his school days, Andrew has been active in the community supporting local charities, voluntary groups and churches in Romford.
Angela Watkinson Conservative MP for Upminster
Angela is an experienced local and county councillor. She is a School Governor at Gaynes and Sacred Heart of Mary schools, a former governor of Hilldene and James Oglethorpe primary schools.
Angela attended Wanstead county high school and Anglia University where she read public administration as a mature student. She has been married for 40 years to Roy, a retired Metropolitan Police Officer. Angela has 1 son, 2 daughters and 4 grandchildren aged 8, 6, 5 and 2. She lived in Upminster for 30 years.
Her career was in banking, but she took a family career break and worked at a special school for physically handicapped children where she ran a riding for the disabled group. For 12 years she was a local government officer.
Angela employs two people locally in her constituency office and two at the House of Commons.
Angela enjoys family life, crosswords, reading, especially murder mysteries and Dickens, dining with friends, the English countryside, stately homes and gardens.
James Brokenshire
Conservative MP for Hornchurch