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Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How often does HCCI run networking events?
A: Every other month at a variety of locations and venues in the borough.
Q: I do not have the time to attend networking events during the working day.
A: We run breakfast, lunch and evening networking events so that members can benefit whatever business hours they keep. Food is usually served so you are combining networking with eating - something we all have to do at some point in the day!
Q: I already have plenty of work to keep me busy, so I cannot see the point in networking.
A: We are glad to hear it but by joining the Chamber and involving yourself in our activities, you may find more productive and lucrative ways to keep your already successful business working more efficiently. Plus you stay up to date with what is happening in the business community and meet people you may be able to make referrals for work you cannot undertake.
Q: Although I am confident in my product or service, I am quite a shy person and the idea of approaching complete strangers at an event fills me with dread.
A: Don't worry we've all been there. We put a lot of effort into making all our events informal and fun. Our facilitators make sure you come into contact with as many other business people as possible during an event and new faces are always welcomed and sought out by members. By the end of the event, you will have forgotten that you were networking at all! Just make sure you bring a good supply of your business cards.
Q: How much does it cost to attend events?
A: We try to offer as many events as possible free of charge but all members receive discounts if there is a charge. For a breakfast or lunch you might pay anything from £7.50 to £10.00, which is no more than you would pay if going out to eat. Once you are a member, further reductions can be obtained by bringing guests too and any referrals you make who join the Chamber could earn you free tickets to events!
Q: I own my own business and have a family, so I do not have time to attend the social events really.
A: Many of our social events are open to members and non-members, so you could bring your family along! For sole traders and small business owners, time and money can be scarce but you can combine business with pleasure and invite your clients along too. Our annual events, such as the Barbeque, Dinner Dance and Carol Concert are the ideal way to thank your staff without the huge expense of having private functions.
Q: I belong to several networking groups already and I have not seen any benefits yet - what is different about Chamber events?
A: Our networking events are run very tightly but informally. Our facilitators use the best possible ways to break the ice and ensure that everyone gets to meet a good selection of people. We welcome feedback from all our events and frequently offer advice about how to get the most out of networking. Maybe you could apply some of this advice to other networking events you attend and really see a difference! Remember that networking is one of those things where you only get out what you put in,